Torrestir Group presents Carbon Neutrality Project 2025

The Carbon Neutrality Project 2025, an initiative carried out by the Torrestir Group, began this Wednesday in Castelo Branco. The project aims to plant more than 200,000 trees across the country in order to neutralise the CO2 emissions resulting from its transport activity.

Open to partnerships with parish councils in Portugal, the initiative began with the Castelo Branco parish in the project “Growing up with a tree as a godchild”. The planting of more than a hundred trees was joined by school groups, parents’ associations, Ecogerminar and Quercus in Castelo Branco.
According to Fernando Torres, Chairman of the Torrestir Group, “Carbon Neutrality 2025 is a serious goal, as we want to plant the number of trees needed to balance and even far exceed the number of CO2 emissions resulting from transport activity, as long as there are no more advanced technical solutions”. He also emphasises: “The important role played by the Parish Councils, which promptly joined in this event and which bring a close involvement to the population, particularly the younger ones.”
It is well known that forests play a crucial role in capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, preventing it from contributing to global warming.

It was with the importance of forests in mind that Torrestir and Anafre signed a Collaboration Protocol in 2023 to plant 161,000 trees, a figure they now intend to exceed by setting the bar at over 200,000.

Carbon Neutrality Project 2025

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